Tsumanai tsumanai tsumanaaaaaiii!!!
Just because it's the exams, that doesn't mean I pushed anime away. Hey, I'm human and I have no other form of entertainment except that. So in case my brain starts getting hay wired with the amount of facts I'm trying to stuff in, I pull out a Sailormoon manga, read a few interesting pages and back to work.
Once in a while I'll be wondering 'How the hell could I have ever liked Sailormoon?' and then I remember that the manga sucks big time. The series is much more fascinating with a more interesting story line, more in depth on each character and definetely more entertaining.
Haruka should've been a guy. Three Lights should make up their mind if they wanna be a guy or a girl. Both ways, they're ugly.
And please, Sailormoon, get more Bishounen. Tuxedo Mask bores me big time since he's too obssessed with you.
That's it. I'm going to read Macbeth.
posted by Michelle J Brohier @ 1:04 AM