I wish I could send to everyone something about forwarded mails. If it's one of those that is only a threat for you to send it to as many people as possible, please please please please please don't send it to me!!! You see, I don't have a large scale of friends on the internet, and I don't have many people to send, unless you guys want the letter, too. The one about the hacker was too far. I have no one to send!!!!! Vicky sent it to me, and I'm sure she sent it to mel, sho and the others, in which mel would send it to kim... so please have mercy on me, okay???
PHEW! Got that out. My stupid blog can't seem to publish that beautiful picture from Tsubasa. So if you guys wanna see the pictures I've got my Yahoo photos file (please check out the Tsubasa picture, it really is wonderful!) go to my
CCS Folder
Knowing myself, I'd load a lot more pictures, but now is not the time. I've got tons to download and my time on the internet is limited.
I love CCS! (Been dying to say that)
posted by Michelle J Brohier @ 9:50 PM