Funny, I was thinking the same offence Mel =p
Anyway, I'm terribly sorry for the sudden picture on the left which was huge, I know. I got a small one now, and I like it. Gomen ne!
Nee, I'm blogging a lot in here aren't I?
posted by Michelle J Brohier @ 11:59 PM
Hanyaan! Watashi no ichiban wa Syaoran-kun da yo!!! Okay, so I got Syaoran...weird, huh? Maybe it's my mood who's craving for Syaoran at this moment...ah well...(drools at picture with love eyes) ^.~
posted by Michelle J Brohier @ 2:21 AM
My version of Catch you catch me... (have mercy, it sucks!)
Want to see you, but I can't so,
I just feel blue, for these feelings say,
Have to tell you, but I can't for,
All my chance just seem to keep passing by...
But still...but stilll...
I'll spread my wings and dream of us having
fun in a marathon, in the sky, united with you!
Hey a catch you catch you catch me catch me wait up!
Look right into my eyes and say that you love me,
Yes it's nice to meet you, good to see you surely!
My feelings for you will be noticed by your heart dreaming we'll fly, we'll fly, we'll fly away!
I'm in love with you!(or 'They will not betray!' depending on which one you choose)
posted by Michelle J Brohier @ 10:06 PM