It's great to be a fan of Kreko (although it is incredibly irritating that the most of the shops around don't sell it)! Well, I bought this month's one and to my utter delight they had a Tsubasa poster in it! Hanyaaaan....
Anyway I watched the Beauty and the Beast thing... it was spectacular! The music will really make you want to buy the movie all over again (much to the irritance of my mother)... There was an American guy around the age of sixty at the entrance who was quite entertaining. He kept saying, "Mari tengok mari tengok mari tengok...... Program tiga puluh ringgit... hai perempuan cantik... ni hao...." in a singsong voice. What I enjoyed was the reaction of the people around me. If they step back in fear, he'll say "You got a friend in me" (Think Toy Story)
Christmas is coming!!!! Tell me, minna, what do you want and I shall reply, "You crazy, ah? Pokai liao!"
posted by Michelle J Brohier @ 1:14 PM